
Water Safety Scotland conference – 21st March 2017

RoSPA, in conjunction with Water Safety Scotland, will be organising a conference to launch the draft response to the National Water Safety Forum’s (NWSF) UK Drowning Prevention Strategy. The event will take place at the Scottish Story Telling Centre in Edinburgh and will be a full day event. This conference will be free to attend and all catering will be included thanks to contributions from various organisations.

Date: 21st March 2017

Draft programmehttps://www.rospa.com/rospaweb/docs/events/water/water-safety-conference-draft-programme.pdf

Spaces for this event are limited and places will be allocated on a first come basis. Please e-mail Carlene McAvoy if you are interested in attending and she will send you a booking form: cmcavoy@rospa.com

For more information about events in Scotland, please visit this web page: https://www.rospa.com/about/around-the-uk/scotland/