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Supporting Learning Outdoors module

Launched Wednesday 21st October 2020

The Scottish Advisory Panel for Outdoor Education is pleased to announce the launch today of the Supporting Learning Outdoors professional e-learning course.  This course and associated guidance, developed by Education officers and SAPOE representatives from five local authorities, benefited from Scottish Government funding aimed at supporting outdoor learning. This has allowed this course to be made available, free of charge, to practitioners across Scotland. This recognises the value that outdoor specialists can offer in partnership work with schools. SAPOE is keen to highlight the positive outcomes and impact collaborative practice can have on learners and their communities.

The Supporting Learning Outdoors (SLO) course will assist non-teaching staff: instructors, classroom assistants and third sector organisations, who want to work in partnership with schools to deliver meaningful curriculum based outdoor learning.  The course will help participants to gain an understanding of the Curriculum for Excellence and the framework for delivering this to pupils.  Furthermore, understand key messages on embedding and enhancing taught curriculum content into the real world context.

The module can be accessed here: https://sapoe.org.uk/courses/supporting-learning-outdoors/

A copy of this press release as a PDF can be downloaded.