
First Scottish EVC Course runs in Fife

SAPOE members and colleagues from OEAP and the Welsh panel spent a busy few days based at Loch Lomond Outdoor Centre last week putting the finishing touches to an Educational Visits Coordinator course designed to support staff fulfilling this role in schools and establishments throughout Scotland.

A huge number of young people experience a visit of some form away from their main base and the course supports the new Scottish Framework for offsite visits – “Going out There” to promote purposeful, meaningful, safe and successful experiences.

Following the successful planning and course director training the first EVC course was delivered to 15 staff from Fife Council.  The participants were Business Managers and Depute Heads mainly from secondary schools.  The feedback fom the course was very positive with it being regarded as a very useful day, opportunity to take in lots of relevant information as well as discuss and share ideas.  This course will now be a regular feature on the training programme for staff in this role.